客户不回复没关系 这样做准行-ag旗舰厅官方网站

客户不回复没关系 这样做准行-ag旗舰厅官方网站

客户不回复没关系 这样做准行


  首先是最常规的跟进,询问客户对于我们产品价格有什么想法,在这里我们尽量长话短说,不要浪费客户的时间,比如:would you please let us know what you think of the prices we offer you。

客户不回复没关系 这样做准行

  然后如果这个时候客户没有回复我们,那么我们也不能放弃,继续来:i wonder if you have received the email i sent to you last time. in order to ensure that you can receive it, i have sent another one. i am sorry if i disturb you。

  如果客户还是没有回复,那么我们换个借口再来,外贸人都是打不死的小强: would like to remind you that the quotation i sent last time is limited by time. the deadline is this friday. if you have any ideas, please feel free to contact me。

  接着我们可以发送最新的产品或者是宣传册子吸引客户的兴趣,如果可以的话也可以加一些最新出货记录的照片,但是要把握好尺寸的大小:this is information about our latest models. they will be on the market soon. what do you think of them?

  还有就是如果对方是很有潜力的合作客户,,规模很大,那么我们也可以试着免费寄送一些样品给对方,为自己争取一些机会:i see that your company needs such products, and our company has a strong advantage in it. if you are interested, we can send you some samples for free。

